Sonnenplatz Großschönau - Projekt

Sonnenplatz Großschönau | A-3922 Großschönau, Sonnenplatz 1 | T: 00432815/77270

Logo Sonnenplatz

Slogan "Wir bauen die Zukunft!"


Waldviertel Logo


aIM 4 SMEs


Intelligent Metering


aIM 4 SMEs


Intelligent Energy Europe - IEE

Beteiligung; Antragsteller:

Leicester City Council


De Montfort University, Energy Control Group Ltd, Energieagentur der Regionen, Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Cites", Instituto de Engenharia Mecanica –polo IST (IDMEC), LABELEC- EDP Inovacao, Csanady & Partners


24 Monate


With rising fuel prices thers is a need for small to medium sized businesses (SMEs) to have Access to Independent energy effiviency advice and Training in order to reduce costs to hepl maintian their competitvieness. The Project involves supproting small/medium businesses to use automatic detailed monitoring and targeting Technology monitoring and targeting technology (intelligent metering). The detailed metering is being established for a range of business types and sizes in the small/ medium business sector and the resulting detailed energy and water use data will be analysed to identify energy saving opportunities. This information will help with providing energy awareness training to staff of the business, and in providing any on site energy survey. It is intended that the training will form part of certified training programme, and the training will give staff the ability to continue to analyse the data themselves beyond the duration of the project.




Sonnenplatz Großschönau
A-3922 Großschönau, Sonnenplatz 1
T: +43 (0) 2815/77270 | F: +43 (0) 2815/77270 DW 40
E: office[at]  | office[at]
I: |


Sonnenplatz Großschönau
A-3922 Großschönau, Sonnenplatz 1
T: +43 (0) 2815/77270 | F: +43 (0) 2815/77270 DW 40
E: office[at]  | office[at]
I: |